When it comes to applying for jobs, many people are unsure if they should be submitting a curriculum vitae (CV), a resume, or both. Plus, with recruiters viewing each application for just 7 seconds on average, ensuring you are submitting the right documents is crucial to making a positive first impression. Therefore, if you are finding the job hunt difficult, you may want to hire a Curriculum Vitae (CV) writing service in Denver CO that can help you.
So, before you start the application process for your next job, read on to learn whether a CV or resume is best for you!
What is a Curriculum Vitae (CV)?
In the simplest terms, a CV is an elongated version of a resume, going more in-depth on your past accomplishments and experience. Often working out to over 10 pages for people with lengthy career histories, these documents highlight an applicant’s education, work experience, as well as research, publications, and presentations, if applicable.
Much like a resume, CVs are used to sell yourself to potential employers, showcasing who you are, and what you have to offer. However, a CV may feature additional sections such as publications under your name, awards received, references, and other things that are generally excluded from a resume.
How Long is a Curriculum Vitae?
As briefly mentioned, a CV can become quite lengthy for those with a lot of experience and certificates under their belt, at times exceeding 10 pages. However, adding irrelevant information to a CV can cause it to be overlooked, which is why 91% of recruiters prefer CVs that are around 2 pages in length.
However, when it comes to putting together your CV, too much focus should not be placed on the length of the document, and instead on its contents. For instance, sources like Indeed advise excluding your age, industry jargon or unclear vocabulary, short-term roles held, and long paragraphs of text. These items not only make it more difficult for employers to find the information they care to read but also increase your chances of being overlooked for a competitive position.
What is a Resume?
Displaying similar information to a CV, a resume is a more concise document that employers often use as the first determinant of whether or not to interview a candidate. Unlike a CV which offers an in-depth overview of an applicant’s qualifications, experience, and achievements, a resume covers this information in a more condensed version.
Generally displayed in bullet point form, a resume covers only the most relevant information for a recruiter. This typically includes the person’s name, contact information, work experience, education, and skills, without mentioning additional information that would be better suited for a CV.
How Long is a Resume?
With an average of 118 people applying for the same job, resumes need to be kept short and simple for the recruiter to consider. The sweet spot for a resume’s length is 2 pages, meaning your resume should contain between 475 and 600 words for the best chances of an interview. In fact, Forbes also found that applicants whose resumes do not keep to this length range are 43% less likely to be considered for hire.
Who Needs a Curriculum Vitae?
CVs can be used in many industries but are best used by individuals who meet certain criteria. As a rule of thumb, only submit a CV as part of your job application if you:
● Are applying for a job in academia, research, or science field.
● Have an extensive work history with multiple positions and achievements.
● Are applying for a senior-level position.
● Need to showcase your publications, presentations, or other achievements that are relevant to the job.
While these are the American standards for CVs, they are more commonly accepted in different situations in countries like the UK and Ireland, where CVs are often the primary application document sought by recruiters. However, it is worth noting that many countries use the terms CV and resume interchangeably, whereas in North America, they refer to two separate things.
In the United States, however, official CVs are best used by field experts. Due to their length, an individual should have a lot of personal work and accomplishments to showcase to make proper use of a CV. Otherwise, the document may appear underwhelming and easy to pass over when the recruiter picks which applicants will be given the opportunity to interview.
Who Needs a Resume?
Although certain companies are moving away from resumes and requiring instead only an online application form, submitting a resume with your application is still common practice. In fact, with 83% of recruiters being more likely to hire candidates who submit a resume specifically tailored to the job they are applying for, it’s crucial to have a resume for any job you are applying for.
Employers use resumes for many things, including:
● Comparing applicants
● Keeping track of who they’ve interviewed and are interested in
● As a database for future positions
● To determine who to call back for a second interview
So, whether you are applying for a minimum-wage job or a high-paying executive position, submitting a well-crafted resume is essential in making a good first impression and increasing your chances of being considered for the job. Plus, there’s a good chance the position requires one to apply!
Get Your Resume or CV Prepared Today
Overall, choosing between a resume or CV will depend on the position you are applying for, your past work experience, and how much you must showcase. Whether you need a resume or CV, contact us for resume and CV writing services to make it to the top of recruiter inboxes today!